The Posse is the Motorcycle Ministry Club of the Salvation Saloon.
Since so many of our congregation rides, well it just seemed like the ministry to have. It provides fellowship & a brotherhood within our church members
& gives an additional opportunity to serve.
The Posse is always going on group rides & always looking for opportunities to share the Good News of the Gospel. Either by 1 on 1 conversations, w/bikers we come in contact with…or inviting people to our unique church…or by demonstrating the Love of God, by way of a Bronson Project Ride.
Where we meet the needs of those, God leads us to.
You see, at the Salvation Saloon & the Posse MM, we believe that talk is cheap. And whenever it is possible, we try and demonstrate the Love of God,
instead of just talking about it.
So what’s in a name?
Well ck. out the lyrics of the Posse Band’s song “The Posse.”
I think it’ll give you a better idea of what we’re all about.
The Sheriff makes men tremble
Justice He demands
But he sends out His posse
To hunt the wanted man
The road they ride is lonely
There’s few that ride this trail
But on their iron ponies
They continue and won’t fail
Salvation City
The town that we come from
And grace to all who enter
From the Sheriff’s only Son
A city all men hope for
But most don’t know it’s there
So the Sheriff sends His posse
With the Good News to share
I’m ridin’ with the posse
For the Sheriff of the land
I’m ridin’ with the posse
In search of the wanted man
I’m ridin’ with the posse
The Sheriff’s got a plan
I’m ridin’ with the posse
With Pardon’s in our hands
This life is just a mission
Our rewards at the roads end
Then we’ll hear the Sheriff say
Well done my faithful friend
So you can run & you can hide
But you’ll face your crimes & sin
Same old cowboy story
The good guys always win
If you’re a member of our church & you want to know more about the Posse. There’s always a Posse member in the Saloon Store, that would be happy to answer your questions.
Posse News and Events
Board Meeting
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Stix Billiards @ 8:30 am
General Membership Meeting
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Stix Billiards @ 8:30 am